


     The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is a ranking system that evaluates universities worldwide based on a composite indicator. This indicator includes the volume of web content (reflecting the influence of the website), the ability to disseminate scholarly work on the internet, and excellence in scientific research. The system aims to encourage academic and research institutions to establish a presence on the web, promote open-access publication of scientific results, improve website quality, enhance information transparency, and foster knowledge sharing. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to improving university quality.

     The results of the Webometrics ranking are announced biannually in January and July. The ranking criteria consist of three components:

- The Impact Index, which accounts for 50% of the evaluation, measures the website's reach and the institution's digital resources.

- The Excellence Index accounts for 40% of the evaluation and identifies the top 10% of most cited articles across 27 Scopus publishing fields.

- The Openness Index (academic openness), accounting for 10% of the evaluation, assesses the number of citations of the top 310 authors affiliated with the institution on the Google Scholar system.

     Hung Vuong University aims to become a multidisciplinary institution with high-quality human resources, serving as a center for scientific research and advanced technology transfer. These efforts contribute to the socio-economic development of Phu Tho province and the nation. Hung Vuong University continues to affirm its reputation and position within the Vietnamese higher education system.

     In the latest announcement from Webometrics in January 2024, Hung Vuong University significantly improved its ranking. It climbed 62 compared to the 2023 announcement, moving from the 118th position to the 56th position out of 187 universities, institutions, and research facilities in Vietnam. This achievement demonstrates the sustainable impact of HVU within the domestic and international academic communities.

News: Phuong Thuy - International Cooperation Department
